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Zombie Manic Mini Game






Nams Prick

Chance of Finding: 4%

Damage: Medium

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Knockback 1


Fulks Llama Beating Stick

Chance of Finding: 7%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Knockback 1


Ruined Sword

Chance of Finding: 23%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1


Elven Sword

Chance of Finding: 6%

Damage: Medium

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Sharpness 1


Pandas Bamboo Sword

Chance of Finding: 6%

Damage: Medium

Amount: 1


Iron Sword

Chance of Finding: 13%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1


SkyForged Steel Sword

Chance of Finding: 7%

Damage: Medium

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Smite 1


Master Sword

Chance of Finding: 2%

Damage: Heavy

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Sharpness 1, Smite 1, Knockback 2


Zombie Arm

Chance of Finding: 30% after killing a zombie

Damage: low

Amount: 1


Zombie Leg

Chance of Finding: 30% after killing a zombie

Damage: low

Amount: 1



Hats Axe

Chance of Finding: 7%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1


Skuls Scythe

Chance of Finding: 8%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1



Hunting Bow

Chance of Finding: 27%

Damage: Normal

Amount: 1

Enchantments: Punch 1



Health Tincture

Chance of Finding: 8%

Restores Health

Amount: 1


Soylent Greens

Chance of Finding: 5%

Restores Health

Amount: 1


Tracer Fluid

Chance of Finding: 7%

Effect: Glowing for 500 seconds


Vial of Death

Chance of Finding: 6%

Effect: Poison for 100 seconds



Chance of Finding: 1%

Effect: Cure Infection before you turn (teamwork makes dreamwork)



Panda Dad's Special Brew

Chance of Finding: 2%

Restores Health

Amount: 1


BRAINS (Zombies Only)

Chance of Finding: when a human player is killed

Speed Boost

Amount: 1



Phaiyles Paint Brushes

Chance of Finding: 33%

Amount: 5


Deathfang Arrow

Chance of Finding: 5%

Amount: 5

Effect: Poison

Damage: 2


Slime Arrow

Chance of Finding: 5%

Amount: 5

Effect: Slowness

Damage: 2




Chance of Finding: 5%

Amount: 1


Dovers International Incident

Chance of Finding: 4%

Amount: 3

Additional Items:


Refined Crossbow

Chance of Finding: 15%

Amount: 1

Uses: 30


Zephyr's Multishot Crossbow

Chance of Finding: 1%

Amount: 1

Uses: 24

Enchantments: Multishot 1


Barb Wire

Chance of Finding: 25%

Amount: 5